
Empower yourself in the world of cryptocurrencies with Set up your Trezor hardware wallet effortlessly and take charge of your digital assets.

How Trezor Works

Trezor is a hardware wallet that provides secure storage for cryptocurrencies. It operates on the principle of keeping your private keys offline, thereby protecting them from online threats. Here's a simplified overview of how it works:

  1. Initialization: When you first set up your Trezor device, it generates a unique private key using its built-in random number generator. This key is never exposed to an internet-connected device.

  2. Backup: During the setup, Trezor displays a recovery seed (usually 12-24 words) which is a human-readable form of your private keys. You should write this down and store it securely. This seed can be used to recover your funds on a new device if your Trezor is lost or damaged.

  3. Transaction Signing: When you want to make a transaction,

    • You initiate the transaction on your computer or smartphone.

    • The transaction details are sent to the Trezor device.

    • You physically confirm the transaction on the Trezor device by pressing its buttons.

    • Trezor signs the transaction with your private key internally and sends the signed transaction back to your device, which then broadcasts it to the blockchain.

  4. Security: The Trezor device is designed to be tamper-resistant. Your private keys remain secured within the device and are never exposed to your computer or the internet. Even if your computer is infected with malware, your keys stay safe.

By keeping your private keys on a hardware device like Trezor, which remains offline, you significantly reduce the risk of your cryptocurrencies being stolen by hackers.

Types of Trezor Wallets

Trezor offers two main types of hardware wallets, designed to cater to different user needs for security and convenience:

  • Trezor Model One - The original Trezor hardware wallet, offering robust security features, support for over 1000 cryptocurrencies, and a simple, user-friendly interface.

  • Trezor Model T - A premium version with enhanced security measures, a touchscreen for easier operation, and support for a wider range of cryptocurrencies, including some that are not supported on the Trezor Model One.

Trezor Wallet Security Features

Trezor wallets are built with several key security features to safeguard your cryptocurrencies:

  • Secure Hardware: The core operational environment is isolated within the Trezor hardware, making it highly resistant to online threats.

  • Backup and Recovery: With the recovery seed (12-24 words), you can easily recover your assets on a new device in case the original one is lost or damaged.

  • Physical Button Confirmations: Transactions require manual confirmation via the device's buttons, ensuring that only intended actions are executed.

  • PIN Code Protection: Access to the device is protected by a PIN code, which is set during the initialization process. Entering an incorrect PIN delays further attempts, making brute-force attacks impractical.

  • Passphrase Support: An additional passphrase can be used for creating hidden wallets or for added security. This passphrase acts as a 25th seed word.

  • Firmware Verification: The device checks the integrity of its firmware on each boot-up. If tampered firmware is detected, the device shows a warning.

Last updated